The EaseAway Routine

You will see the most benefit from using the EaseAway Cream on a daily basis, as part of your morning or evening routine.

Taking care of your health shouldn’t be a chore, but it is something that takes daily practice and commitment.

Let us help you learn how to add this intentional uterine self-care to your day.

How to use your EaseAway Cream

EaseAway cream is best applied during a Mayan massage, but we understand that’s not always possible. When you don’t have time to do a full massage, you can always do a quick application by gently rubbing the cream into clean skin with small circular motions all over the uterine-area (topically) until the cream has absorbed.

To incorporate the full experience into your daily routine, start by finding a time where you can take 15 minutes to relax without distractions and dedicate this time to your health. We like to do this after a morning or evening shower, right after our skincare routine. Feel free to listen to your favorite guided meditation and start an aromatherapy diffuser before you start - you deserve to take this time for yourself.

How to perform a Mayan massage Watch the demo

How to perform a Mayan uterine massage

To Begin

  • Lie down on flat surface. Roll up clothing.
  • Scoop out 1 teaspoon of the EaseAway Cream.
  • Spread around abdomen.
  • Place fingers of one hand over fingers of the other hand.
  • Apply 3/10 pressure for all strokes. (10 - being digging deep into the abdomen, 0 - being barely touching the skin.)

Part 1 - Lower Belly Sweep

  • Place hands on the soft tissue just above pubic bone.
  • Make strokes towards belly button 3x.
  • Place fingers on protruding hip bone; massage towards belly button in a J-like upward movement.
  • Repeat 3x. Repeat on the other hip bone 3x as well.
  • Completing these steps is a set. You may do another set.

Part 2 - Upper Belly Sweep

  • Find lowest part of sternum (where ribs meet, above abdomen).
  • Place your fingers-on-fingers over this spot; stroke 3x towards belly button.
  • Find any spot on the left ribcage and massage towards belly button again - in a downward J-like motion.
  • Repeat 3x.
  • Completing these steps is a set. You may do another set.

Part 3 - Belly Button Small Circles

  • Fingers-on-fingers, make small circles around the belly button.
  • Massage in the clockwise direction.
  • Repeat 3x.

Part 4 - Belly Button Large Circles

  • Fingers-on-fingers, start from the belly button, going around it in an expanding circle.
  • Massage in the clockwise direction.
  • Repeat 3x.

Part 5 - Take a Deep Breath and Set Your Intentions

  • Finally, place hands over your abdomen and visualize it being calm, happy, and grateful.
  • Set your intentions for what the day or night shall bring.
Did you know?
Estrogen Dominance can be the leading cause of fibroids, endometriosis, uterine polyps, and PMS. Correcting it can create further improvements of symptoms.

Featured Ingredients in the EaseAway Cream

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can.
It's vital to have your situation evaluated by a doctor first. If all is clear, the cream should be all right to use with heavy periods.
It’s absolutely up to you, whatever feels right for you. Many of our users prefer a night application but a few chose to use it before starting the day.
No. The cream is meant to be applied on the abdomen only.
In about 5 minutes, you will be able to put on your clothes without staining them.
If you're experiencing estrogen dominance (this includes fibroids, PMS, endometriosis), we recommend adding the Estrogen Reset Kit. If you have fibroids, the Fibro Support enzyme formula could be very helpful.
No, we do not recommend it.
A quick application is perfectly fine, do what you can. The massage is great to reactivate the lymphatic system and can be done once in a while, in your self-care time.
The cream has a fragrance (we use cedarwood, frankincense, white grapefruit, and patchouli essential oils), but it’s gentle and not overpowering. We understand that not everyone likes strong fragrances.
Never. We only use real essential oils.
You do not. However, you may experience even better results and overall improvement in your health when adopting an anti-inflammatory diet.