November 10, 2017
Today 27 million Americans have thyroid disease, and about 13 million of them are undiagnosed. Does the hair on your eyebrow thin-out from the middle to the end? Have you experienced thinning or hair loss? Do you have cold hands and feet and dry skin? These are some of the symptoms of hypothyroidism one condition that can affect your thyroid gland.
Thyroid problems occur seven times more often in women than men and with chances increasing after childbirth and during menopause. (
Your thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located in your neck below your Adam’s apple. It works like the gas pedal for your metabolism and also regulates your weight, energy, gastrointestinal health, nervous system and hormone balance. It produces two important hormones:
T3: (Triiodothyronine):
Is the more active of your thyroid hormones, and is derived from T4 by a metabolic conversion that happens in your gut and liver. It is considered the Queen of thyroid hormones.
T4: (Thyroxine):
This is produced by your thyroid gland when it binds with iodine. It is mostly inactive hormone but gets converted to the more active T3.
Together T3 and T4 thyroid hormones impact your:
Millions of women with symptoms of menopause, even those taking estrogen, may be suffering from undiagnosed thyroid disease, according to the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, “Many women develop thyroid issues without even realizing they have a problem. Other women develop chronic thyroid conditions, which can occur at any age”.
The most common conditions are:
These herbs can be used in easy to make salves, tinctures, and infusions. Learn how to use herbs in your everyday routine in my FREE online workshop “How To Use Herbs To Rebalance Your Hormones”
Powerful Plants for Thyroid Support
Herbal adaptogens are a helpful way to stabilize your hormones. They also help lower levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, and balance T4 levels – your thyroid hormone. The following herbs, spices, and foods can support your thyroid function and alleviate thyroid symptoms by balancing hormones:
Powerful Antioxidants and Inflammation Reducers can support healthy thyroid function and protect the gland from environmental damage. Research supports that toxins from the environment, “ are associated with reduced thyroid hormone levels or impaired thyroid hormone action, a number of environmental exposures confer an increased risk of autoimmune thyroid disease.” Environmental Exposures and Autoimmune Thyroid Disease, Thyroid. 2010 Jul; 20(7): 755–761. Additionally, food intolerances and leaky gut syndrome can cause inflammation that affects thyroid health.
According to the NIH, “ Rigorous scientific studies involving more than 100,000 people combined have tested whether antioxidant supplements can help prevent chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and cataracts. In most instances, antioxidants did not reduce the risks of developing these diseases”. In addition, recent studies have also shown over time, that chronic, and low-level inflammation can set the foundation for serious diseases like Alzheimer’s and depression.
Soothing Over Stimulation and Why It Matters
As we all have heard stress is bad for the body. When low or high levels of stress are experienced a behind the scenes look will show you elevated cortisol levels. These elevated cortisol levels then elevate other hormones that are inflammatory. Inflammation can cause a cascade of hormonal havoc which people will react to and recover from differently. It can knock some people out for weeks to months, depending on their underlying health. Others are not affected. Something as stressful as a surgery can bring on a latent condition such as Hashimoto’s. Herbs have amazing properties that can reduce anxiety, promote calm and reduce levels of cortisols. Try these two herbs on a stressful day or night and feel the magic.
In the FREE online workshop you will:
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