Private Consultations
with Magdalena Wszelaki
Guiding GenX-ers & Boomers through Perimenopause and Menopause

This space is for motivated women who are going through PERIMENOPAUSE and MENOPAUSE and want to ask many QUESTIONS and get balanced ANSWERS and SOLUTIONS.

If you’re feeling lost and know that your body is doing the strangest things, you’re not alone. This is the overall sentiment for women going through perimenopause.

If you believe that nutrition, sleep, movement, detoxification, and the right mindset can change how you experience life (and therefore perimenopause and menopause)...


you need help to figure out how to put the pieces together (nutrition, sleep, movement, detoxification, and mindset), the Private Consultation program might be right for you.

What I can help
you with:

Create an action plan with clear priorities so you feel empowered and ready to start implementing

Guide you how to create a meal plan

Assess which nutritional approach might be best to try (the elimination diet, keto, fasting, high-protein, paleo, etc)

Guide you where to order key labs to manage perimenopause (DUTCH, thyroid, blood sugar levels, metabolic markers, liver health, etc)

Point you in the right direction in regards to finding the right medical provider, what questions to ask, what labs to order

Help you uncover why your current plan (diet, supplements) is not working - and what might

Help you figure out a sleep routine and uncover sleep robbers

Guide you to find your potential sources of stress, toxicity, and negativity

Help you find a workout routine that works for you (and science showing what is best for women in perimenopause and menopause)

What I CAN'T
help you with

Prescribe drugs and HRT

Provide medical advice

Diagnose or treat

Interpret lab work (only state general observations)

This consultation program

is for women who are

  • Motivated, curious individuals who believe that nutrition and lifestyle changes can profoundly and positively improve hormonal balance and the overall well-being.
  • Open-minded women who are receptive to a narrative other than mainstream medicine’s.
  • Believe that in this day and age, taking your health into your own hands might be a really good idea.
  • Are eager to take action and are willing to be held accountable.

is NOT for women who

  • Display traits of victim and blaming mentality.
  • Believe that their conventional doctor and insurance should fix their health and hormones.
  • Don’t believe that nutrition, sleep, and movement are foundational to feeling good after 45.
  • Believe that HRT alone will fix all their problems.
What to expect
after a session
A plan that includes a nutritional approach that fits your lifestyle.
A sleep checklist to try which will become the new sleep routine
A movement plan based on your time availability and access to equipment
Clarity on what is your 30-day and 90-day action plan
Feeling like yourself again when you implement the plan we created
A renewed sense of optimism about the next 50 years of your life
My guiding principles
bio-individuality Everyone is different and responds in varying ways to food, herbs, supplements, and Rx. This is why one diet doesn’t work for everyone.
Meeting you
Where you are
Some of us want to dip a toe and others jump into the deep end. We will pace things as you need them.
Nutrition I strongly believe that you can’t “out-supplement” a good diet. Nutrition is unquestionably foundational and no amount of pills, troches, or patches alone will fix your symptoms.
Hormone Replacement
I’m a strong believer there is a time and place for them. I use them, too. And, there are nutritional and herbal solutions that may help as well, especially if you don’t want to use HRT.
It’s Your Agenda,
Not Mine
As a professional life coach, my job is to help you land on a plan that works and feels good for you. I can inform you of scientifically-backed solutions (on diet, supplements, sleep, and movement) - but it’s ultimately your plan.
Taking Action Many of us know things (including about nutrition, supplements, HRT) but we don’t take action. My mission is to help you create a plan and follow-through on it - only action will create results. I want you to succeed and feel like yourself again.
Accountability As humans, most of us do best when supported and kept accountable by your coach, friend, or even an app. We will create an accountability plan so you’re motivated in making changes.

About Magdalena

Hello, this is me - Magdalena and my two trouble-makers: Charlie and Nella.

It was a natural progression to offer perimenopause coaching because I’m going through it myself. I’m most likely towards the end of my perimenopausal years and I can now say that I’ve learned to navigate the murky waters of perimenopause with grace and success - to feel like I’m now ready for the next best 50 years of my life.

It wasn’t that simple when it all first started 7 years ago - nothing felt the same or normal; and I felt like my body had betrayed me.

For most women, perimenopause is a confusing, angering, and incapacitating passage. As an endocrine nutrition expert, certified herbalist, certified life coach, and a published cookbook author, I’ve found that perimenopause is an invitation to take a serious look at our current health and lifestyle - and a prompt to “clean up the house.” I have certainly done that and the benefits are showing - I’m fitter, more optimistic, and radiant than in my 30-ties and much of my 40-ties.

The difference between the two photos may NOT appear drastic - however, for someone who never had a tendency to put on weight, this was a big difference. In 2017 I dealt with severe inflammation - you can tell from the swollen arms and face. This is me now, in 2024. I don’t know the weight difference (I never weigh myself) but I do know that at 51 yo, I now feel stronger, more toned, sharper, energetic, and more optimistic than in my 40-ties.

If you’re ready to be guided on this journey, I’m here to help.

With much love,


How to Know If You’re in Perimenopause

Unlike menopause, perimenopause doesn’t [yet] have a medically defined set of markers that would declare you to officially be in perimenopause.

It’s therefore best to go by a set of symptoms. Here are just a few (the full list has over 70)

Early signs and symptoms of perimenopause:

  • Shorter cycles ( from the usual 28 days to 22)
  • Shorter bleed days, less bleeding
  • More bleeding, longer bleed days
  • Mid-cycle spotting (brown discoloration on the panties)
  • Sleeping problems (especially not sleeping through the night)
  • Mood swings
  • Hot flashes
  • Incontinence
  • Brain Fog

Later signs and symptoms of perimenopause:

  • Brain changes (forgetfulness, difficulty recalling)
  • Bone health changes (osteopenia, osteoporosis)
  • Body odor changes
  • Hair loss, brittle hair
  • Muscle loss, loss of strength
  • Body pains and aches

Private Consultation Packages

All sessions are virtual
6-month Before & After Menopause Journey
  • 90-minute kickoff session (laying out a plan for the 6 months)
  • 5 x 60-minute follow-up session
  • Email support (to clarify things, or issues that can be resolved quickly)
  • A copy of one of my book (you pick which one)
  • $150 coupon to the Wellena store
$3,750(or 6 payments
of $719/mpnth)
Apply Here
90-day Perimenopause Journey
  • 90-minute kickoff session (making the big 90-day plan)
  • 2x 60-minute follow-up session
  • Email support (to clarify things, or issues that can be resolved quickly)
  • A copy of one of my book (you pick which one)
  • $50 coupon to the Wellena store
$1,750(or 3 payments
of $642/month)
Apply Here
30-day Perimenopause Jumpstart
  • 90-minute kickoff coaching session
  • 60-minute follow-up coaching session
  • Email support (to clarify things, or issues that can be resolved in less 5 minutes)
  • A copy of one of my book (you pick which one)
  • $50 coupon to the Wellena store
$1,250(or 2 payments
of $688/month)
Apply Here
Plan & Refine Session
  • Intake form prior to our session
  • 90-minute coaching session
  • A 30-day and a 90-day action plan
  • A copy of one of my book (you pick which one)
  • $30 coupon to the Wellena store
Making the next 50 years your best yet

I don’t know about you but…when I’m 85 years old, I do NOT want to be…

a frail, shriveled lady who falls over herself breaking bones and pees herself with every sniffle or laugh.

I want to age with grace and strength. I don’t care about the wrinkles and the white hair.

I care that my gut health is in great shape and I poop like a champ without visits to the laxatives aisle.

At 85, I care that my hormones are balanced, that I sleep like a champ (even if it’s less than before).

That my brain recalls and learns new things fairly quickly. Maybe to learn Italian?

That my bones remain dense and my muscles strong (even if not as strong as before) to carry this body of mine with grace and dignity.

In other words, here is to making the next 50 years my best yet.

Maybe that’s you, too?

For that to happen, the work has to start NOW.

The work is: Nutrition, Sleep, Movement.

Are You In?